Friday, April 10, 2009

Stain Removal Success

I am not sure that this qualifies as either thrift or industry but it is a great tip. My son got raspberry sauce all over his khakis the other day. I let them sit without doing anything to them for about a day and a half (I just kept forgetting). When I went to wash them I didn't have time to pretreat them with anything (I didn't even scrub them with water). To his regular wash (liquid detergent) I added 1/4 cup of baking soda and about 1/4 scoop (probably less) OxiClean. I ran them through as normal then dried on low. They came out with no stain what so ever. It is one of those times when you wish you had before and after pictures.


maryelizabeth said...

Have you ever read "Clean House, Clean Planet"?? It tells you how you can clean your whole house cheaply and more importantly the NONTOXIC way using mainly vinegar, baking soda and a little olive oil. I follow all her suggestions, my last hold out is pinesol. I love my pinesol!

Ashley said...

It most definitely is thrift. Now you don't need to buy new pants! Looks like a helpful site. Thanks!